Sunday, April 12, 2015

rutha - past, present and what's next


The fact that rutha is based in Hapi and Angular is a weird story. A while ago I worked for Admios who back then had a outsourcing service to a Santa Barbara cloud computing brokerage startup (or a grown up one at least).

The fashion trends back then was Backbone, so we build from zero to one a whole framework using Backbone, Underscore and Grunt, with Bootstrap as CSS theme and NodeJS running the boilerplate.

I had probably the best time building and using all these new things. Then Angular showed up. 

Don't you call this a regular jam
I'm gonna rock this land
I'm gonna take this itty bitty world by storm
And I'm just getting warm

 - Mama Said Knock You Out - LL Cool J

Being this a team focused on value, we might had tried to sell our boilerplate with workshops or presentations. But Angular was being supported by Google and in the end time to market is the rule in most places.

By the end of outsourcing gig, our 2 years tech baby was already "legacy".

One of the engineers went to another place and we tried to get the code open source but it never got traction. At least we tried.

In the meantime, I started using Express and Angular to learn what the fuss was all about. I think I figure out I needed a mentor so I asked my good friend Edgar to teach me. It worked. And it was like taking the pill to the rabbit hole.

Ah roomie zoom zim, I'm off to be wed
To Rhymealinda I remember umm, when we first met
In eighty-two back in school used to play up all the fools

 - 4 better or 4 worse - The Pharcyde

And I kind of disliked Express. It was like Sinatra all over again, spend time finding out good, community supported gems to get a good, web boilerplate. Somehow I stumble upon Hapi and remembered my good old days of ASP.NET. Comparing what I'd in Express vs what (in theory) could be accomplished, I was stuck. And the journey to rule them all Hapi and Angular began.


With 100 commits and version stuck at 1.0.0, we have over 20 likes and over 300 page views, I can say the idea that started around August 2014 has worked. Currently, we have 3 projects using it and hopefully more. Our time to market has been reduced and developers can focus on Hapi and Angular and forget about tooling.

What's Next

Our roadmap will focus on pragmatism over bleeding edge patterns and trends, with two exceptions: ES6 and Angular 2.

Things we are considering and would like feedback

  • Client side modules: We might moved to all npm, it depends on how easy is to get ES6 with angular.
  • API CLI: For Hapi APIs, is something I see useful.
  • John Papa/Todd Motto ng conventions CLI
  • Sample apps
  • Mobile First: Is very likely we'll take a NativeScript or Kendo UI Mobile approach. 

Rogelio Morrell and rutha team